This is a custom plaque a dear friend of mine ordered. I just love this quote by Satchel Paige! "Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching."

My test glaze shot glasses sold like crazy. (probably because they were so cheap) Anyway, out of 40+ there are only 6 left. Some went to Denmark, some to England and the rest went out all over the United States. Because they were so poplular I decided to make some intentional shot glasses. These are fabulous with Red Mottled exterior. This is one of my new favorite glazing techniques, (which I totally discovered by accident), so you might be seeing a lot of it.
Oooooh, here it is again:

These are large chips and salsa servers and yes they are meant to be as whacky as possible. These are already sold but since they are so much fun I am planning to make a few to put in my Etsy shop. When I get some time I want to make one for myself too!